Ed Easterly Presents at the Annual EACUBO Meeting
Partner Ed Easterly recently presented at the Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers (EACUBO) annual meeting which was held in Baltimore, MD. Ed presented HR 101: Preventing Claims and Protecting the Institution with Audra Kahr, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for Cedar Crest College. Ed and Audra provided attendees with information on pressing topics to higher education clients, which included: handling claims of harassment, dealing with disability and accommodations issues, properly responding to issues with medical marijuana, and an employee’s use (or improper use) of social media inside and outside of the workplace. This presentation focused on the levels of communication that are needed within an organization to effectively handle human resource matters.
EACUBO was founded nearly 100 years ago as the role of the higher education business officer came into existence in the late 19th and early 20th century. EACUBO was founded on the principles of shared expertise and collaboration, the effective implementation of best practices and support for the important work of higher education institutions.
EACUBO was and is a volunteer-led association. EACUBO is centered on professional development, technical expertise and creative value-added, problem-solving. EACUBO’s annual meeting draws 600-800+ attendees.
If you have questions on the topics mentioned in this post, or any other labor or employment related issue, please do not hesitate to contact the experienced group of attorneys at HHE.