Could Paid Family Leave and Recreational Marijuana be Coming to Pennsylvania?

On Tuesday, August 25, 2020, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced his fall legislative agenda, which contained a number of proposals that, if passed by the state legislature, would significantly impact Pennsylvania employers. In particular, the governor’s proposals include:

  • Providing $225 million in funding for hazard pay, which would cover a $3.00/hour increase for more than 200,000 frontline workers statewide;

  • Establishing a $10 million PPE Reimbursement Program for small businesses with fewer than 150 employees and counties who make PPE available to election workers;

  • Setting aside $250 million for families with school-aged children in need of child care because of blended or remote in-person instruction models;

  • Creating a paid family and sick leave program for employees;

  • Providing $225 million in forgivable loans and grants to small businesses in Pennsylvania;

  • Providing an additional $100 million in forgivable loans and grants for the hospitality, leisure, and service industries, including restaurants, bars, barber shops, and salons; and

  • Legalizing recreational marijuana, with proceeds going to existing small business grant funding.

It remains to be seen how the state legislature, which is controlled by Republicans, will react to the governor’s proposals. Nevertheless, with Election Day seemingly right around the corner, Pennsylvania employers must be aware that these subjects will be discussed in Harrisburg.

We will be sure to keep you updated on the latest developments on these matters. For questions about this or any other labor and employment issues, please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Hoffman & Hlavac.  To stay updated on this and the other key labor and employment law developments that affect your workplace, subscribe to our blog and follow us on social media.

George Hlavac