Has Your Businesses Trained Employees on COVID-19 Workplace Safety Issues?

As any employer knows, effective communication is key.  This is especially true now more than ever, given the significant uncertainty that COVID-19 has brought to the workplace.  Employees want to know what steps their employers are taking to ensure a safe workplace now and when they return to work.  Employers want employees to know that they are following applicable requirements and guidelines. 

Whether your business has continued its in-person operations over the last two months or hopes to be resuming such operations in the coming weeks, training your employees on applicable safety procedures is critical.  OSHA has also indicated that employers should provide training to workers about the sources of exposure to the virus, the hazards associated with that exposure, and appropriate workplace protocols in place to prevent or reduce the likelihood of exposure.

At Hoffman Hlavac & Easterly, we have created a 20-minute COVID-19 Workplace Safety Training video that effectively communicates: (1) what employees can do to keep themselves healthy; (2) what your business is doing to keep the workplace safe; and (3) how probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the workplace will be handled.  This training, which complements an employer response plan, will allow your business to clearly communicate the expectations and procedures that will help everyone to continue to work or return to work in a safe and productive manner.

For details about the COVID-19 Workplace Safety Training, or for any other labor and employment law matter, please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Hoffman & Hlavac.

George Hlavac