U.S. Department of Labor Issues Required Families First Coronavirus Response Act Poster

With all of the talk about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, it may have been easy to forget that the Act requires employers to place a poster detailing the Act in a conspicuous place where notices are regularly posted. Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued the required poster, which can be found here: https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/posters/FFCRA_Poster_WH1422_Non-Federal.pdf . We recommend that all employers covered by the Act (i.e., those with fewer than 500 employees) display this poster as soon as possible, but no later than the Act’s effective date of April 1, 2020.

The DOL has also issued a Frequently Asked Questions on the Act’s notice posting requirement. In the FAQs, the DOL notes that an employer can satisfy its obligation under the Act by e-mailing or direct mailing the poster to employees, or posting the poster on “an employee information internal or external website.” As a number of “non-life'-sustaining” employers in Pennsylvania are operating remotely, this guidance is particularly helpful.

As this situation progresses, we will continue to keep employers and human resources professionals updated on all key developments related to COVID-19 and its impact on the workplace.  Please be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on social media so that you can receive timely updates and analysis on the issues that affect your workplace.  For questions about this or any other labor and employment law matter, please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Hoffman & Hlavac.

George Hlavac