Do My Employees Need Travel Authorization Documents?

In recent days, many states have taken precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19.  On Thursday, March 19, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf issued an executive order closing the physical operations of all “non-life-sustaining” businesses in the state.  On Saturday, March 21, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed executive orders directing all residents to stay at home (with certain exceptions) and closing all non-essential retail businesses to the public (with certain exceptions).

These measures have left “life-sustaining” and “essential” employers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey concerned about their employees being stopped by law enforcement while traveling for businesses purposes.  We have recommended to employers that they provide their employees with a travel authorization document that educates law enforcement on the employee’s role in the “life-sustaining” and/or “essential” nature of the employer’s business.  For assistance with preparing such a document, please do not hesitate contacting the attorneys at Hoffman & Hlavac.

George Hlavac